Latest News
First Dental Mission, August 2013
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Fifth Medical Mission to be held onMay 8th, 2013
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Results of the Fourth Medical Mission August 29, 2012 (To Test Women for Cervical Cancer)
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Fourth Medical Mission to be held on August 29th, 2012
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Results of the Third Medical Mission, April 11, 2012 (To Test Women for Cervical Cancer)
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Photo Gallery
- Cooking training for 21 birth mothers
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The cooking training for 21 birth mothers, on September 29th 2014, was a complete success! In two days they learned how to prepare snacks, meals and drinks to set up their own food stands. They received a business class and a self-esteem conference. At the end of the course they received a diploma and most of the materials needed to set up the food stand: pots, pans, corn flour, cooking oil, flavorings for iced drinks, plastic containers, spatulas, cooking spoons, among many others. The course also included lodging, transportation and meals for the women and their kids.It was amazing to see how the women connected with each other and worked together very amicably. They helped each other, showed empathy, played with the children and gave each other their friendship and support.Needless to say they were all eager to start their own businesses which will hopefully help them improve their quality of life by providing them with a more attractive or an extra income. Thanks to all the adoptive families who sponsored their families and rest assured that we will work hard to make sure that this is the first of many more trainings! We are convinced that empowering women contributes to the sustainable development of the families.
- Graduations 2013
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- Graduations 2012
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- Congratulations to the 4 graduates in 2012: Ingrid, Natalia, Carlos and Yoselin!
- Medical Mission August 29, 2012
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- Medical Mission April 11, 2012
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- Medical Mission October 5, 2011
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